22 CFR § 92.15 - 92.17
§ 92.15 Signing notarial certificate.
The notarizing officer should sign a notarial certificate on the lower right-hand side. The name and full official title of the notarizing officer should by typed, stamped with a rubber stamp, or printed in ink on two separate lines immediately below his signature. When the notarizing officer is assigned to a Foreign Service post in both a diplomatic and consular capacity, he should use his consular title in the notarial certificate. (See § 92.7.)
[22 FR 10858, Dec. 27, 1957, as amended at 60 FR 51723, Oct. 3, 1995]
22 CFR § 92.16 - Sealing the notarial certificate.
§ 92.16 Sealing the notarial certificate.
The notarizing officer should seal a notarial certificate with the impression seal of the post on the lower left-hand side of the certificate. A notarial certificate executed at a Foreign Service post which has not been officially designated as an embassy, legation, consulate general, consulate, or consular agency should be sealed with an impression seal bearing the legend “American Consular Service” and the name of the locality.
22 CFR § 92.17 - Fastening of pages.
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§ 92.17 Fastening of pages.
When the instrument or document to which a notarial act relates consists of more than one sheet, or when the notarial certificate will be attached and not written on the document itself, the notarizing officer should bring all the sheets comprising the document together under his official seal.
[22 FR 10858, Dec. 27, 1957, as amended at 60 FR 51723, Oct. 3, 1995]